Paula LattimerThe Three Principles of Innate Health, Homeopathy and Homeopathic Detox Therapy

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An Introduction To What I Have To Offer

Contact me on 07901 846216 or Click here to email me


"I just wanted to give you an update that we have finished the last prescription and the boys are doing really well. Therefore, I would like to thank you for all your advice and such amazing consideration for their needs. We have come a long way and all the thoughtful prescriptions made a big difference in their daily challenges. Also we have received a call from MDA paediatric doctor and the speech and language therapist with the great news that the boys no longer need further assessments or SALT sessions as they are up to their expectations in terms of development and learning. Such fantastic news!! I will definitely be in touch if I feel that the boys are in need of a remedy. Your amazing work has been a great support to all of us!! Thank you again."

(Three year old twin boys. Worked together October 2020 to August 2021 and had 7 appointments. Constitutional prescription plus 2 detoxes. Detoxed IVF medications and Hexa 6 in 1 vaccination.)

Welcome to the website for Paula Lattimer. I offer safe, effective natural solutions in a gentle supportive environment. I am delighted that you have found me. Here you can access information about homeopathy in the UK and overseas, and specifically about the support of individuals diagnosed or not with all kinds of special needs and difficulties including speech delay, global development delay, PANS, PANDAS and any toxicity related conditions, with Homeopathy and Homeopathic Detox Therapy. There is also information about my work with the Three Principles of Innate Health in order to support people to live peaceful fulfilled lives irrespective of their life circumstances. Please take time to read the testimonial page on my website. It says more about my work than I am permitted to. These achievements are hard earned by the families I have had the privilege to work with, many of whom touch base with me from time to time to update me on the lives their children are now living.

Home. Paula September 2020

If you are looking for homeopathy for support with imbalance of any kind, and in particular if you are looking for homeopathy for support either for yourself or for a loved one with additional needs, or if you need support as a family in coping with a family member with a disability, or indeed if you want a general immune system boost or ways to deal with stress and relax into a difficult set of circumstances ……… then this website will be helpful to you. First and foremost I am a classically trained homeopath, but in addition as a fully accredited Homeopathic Detox Therapist I offer a recognised system of detoxification. People of all ages and with all kinds of conditions may find this approach helpful as it can be highly effective in alleviating the symptoms associated with a wide range of conditions, including mental and emotional disorders, and chronic disease. I have worked for 18 years using Homeopathy and Homeopathic Detox Therapy supporting and improving circumstances for individuals with all kinds of conditions which can often be listed as untreatable. As a homeopath I use constitutional homeopathic remedies to treat individuals and their symptoms, rather than any named condition. I am also a certified Three Principles of Innate Health coach and am passionate about sharing this life changing understanding. I offer both one to one and group sharing of this transformational understanding showing the reality of where our experience of life is actually generated. I meet face to face with clients in a clinic in Bourne End but most frequently I work online with clients, thus enabling people to work with me from their own homes both in the UK and overseas.

My specialist area of knowledge, and my passion, is working to support children and adults diagnosed with all kinds of special needs - OCD, ODD, PDA, Tourettes Syndrome, Sensory Integration problems and developmental delay. I have also worked successfully with significant numbers of children with a diagnosis of PANDAS and PANS. My work with Homeopathy and with Homeopathic Detox Therapy has also led me to treat many cases of chronic ill health due to underlying toxicity as a result of addictions, mercury poisoning, and environmental exposure to toxins. Pre-conception care is also an area of work which particularly interests me.

Above all else I am passionate about the importance of the mental and emotional health of the whole family and about the impact of both the parents' state on their children and of the health and happiness of siblings living with a child with a disability. My understanding of the Three Principles of Innate Health informs all my work and in particular is invaluable in my work with the family's of children with additional needs in the UK and overseas.

After browsing this website if you would like more information about Homeopathy, Homeopathic Detox Therapy, or/and the Three Principles of Innate Health, or would like to make an appointment then contact Paula Lattimer on 07901 846 216 or Click here to email me. I am happy to offer a short confidential telephone consultation so that you can be sure that you are choosing not only the right therapy but also the right therapist for you. I look forward to working with you.

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