Paula LattimerThe Three Principles of Innate Health, Homeopathy and Homeopathic Detox Therapy


“We first saw you two years ago exactly. Theo was 3.5 years, non verbal, no imaginative play, lining up, in his own bubble…… feels like a lifetime ago and a different child. Our monthly meetings helped me through the darkest 2 years when I thought there was no hope for my Son. He now does gymnastics and started to read which is absolutely amazing. This morning he woke up, looked at me and said ‘I love you Mummy’. What else could I ask for?! As well as helping me with Theo you helped me mentally too. Through work I see lots of visibly challenged children and families, whenever I do I just want to go up to them and tell them about you. Then I remind myself that they would probably think I’m crazy and run! Please use this email in whatever way you can - I hope it helps another Mum like me.” EP, Basingstoke, UK

"I just wanted to update you on E’s progress as he has clearly come on since starting your recommendations. After the first special ball he started getting up in the mornings on his own without needing us to go in his room to tell him he can get up. He came downstairs for the first time ever to say he had a nightmare at 11pm the other day- huge! And his language has exploded again, seems less scripted and he offers up random info about school which he would never have done before. He doesn’t get upset when he loses a game anymore- huge!!! And is just more kinda natural in the way he comes across, less robotic. His teacher asked today what we had changed at home and i could have cried. Anyway i could go on and on! Looking forward to catching up with you again soon." FC

"Paula is wonderful to talk to. When I contacted her I was in such a state of panic about my ill child that I couldn't focus on what I needed to do to make him better. That call was a turning point for me and gave me the strength to fight for my sick child. I'm not the type of person who goes for this kind of thing usually. I even said so during that first call. I have seen with my own eyes what homeopathy has done to help my child recover from the nightmare that is PANDAS. I have seen one of the treatments particularly change his fear into confidence overnight. Sometimes I have overwhelming feelings of gratitude that I just have to text Paula to thank her. You've found a gem if you've reached this page. Good luck in your quest to health. X" MD, Parent, London

"In only six months, homeopathic detox therapy has had a hugely positive impact on my son. My son's lifetime of chronic cold sores and lesions magically disappeared after Paula prescribed various homeopathic remedies including detoxes. Remedy by remedy and dose by dose, homeopathy and homeopathic detox therapy is targeting and eliminating every symptom for my son. It's amazing to watch." Parent, Belfast, Northern Ireland

"We began homeopathic detox therapy in January with the hope of helping our little boy when he was about to turn 5. From the age of 2 he started to show signs of developmental differences which progressed as time went on – speech and language delay, sensory processing difficulties, severe anxiety, oppositional behaviour and social difficulties. His cranial therapist mentioned that Paula came highly recommended by another parent. I had read about using homeopathy many times before and when I looked at all the wonderful testimonials from other families on Paula’s website I knew I had to give it a try with my son – a decision I have not regretted. From the first detox we saw very positive changes almost immediately – improved behaviour, a massive leap in use and understanding of language and best of all a happier little boy. He had a speech and language assessment in June where he scored well below average in vocabulary, grammar and understanding, he had a follow-up assessment the following February (8 months later) where he scored above average in all 3 areas and his speech therapist commented that she didn’t see the same anxiety or unwillingness to cooperate – he was discharged from speech therapy! A report from his occupational therapist in the May that year said he was a pleasant and cooperative little boy and was a role model for the other children in his group. We just received his P1 school report – what a joy to read. This time last year our son didn’t engage with other children, struggled to communicate and was very unhappy a lot of the time, the comments from his teacher were “He enjoys the company of other children and it has been lovely to watch him develop friendships with his classmates” “He is a happy boy and has continued to make steady progress in all areas of his schoolwork. Our boy still has a long way to go but with our love and support and Paula’s extensive knowledge and understanding of the difficulties faced by children and families in our situation I know we’ll get there." FL, Parent, Northern Ireland

"My daughter aged 10 started on homeopathy with Paula. The key issues with my daughter were aggression, hypersensitivity to sound, textures and scents, as well as poor social skills. She would have violent outbursts which would generally end up with broken bedroom doors and chunks of plaster off the walls and smashed lampshades etc. After the first 8 weeks of homeopathic detox therapy our beautiful daughter was transformed into a calm, respectful, and socially connected child. It was as if she had been caught in a nightmare and had managed to escape. We have not had a single incident of a violent outburst since our first round of homeopathic detox therapy - this to me is an utter miracle given that our family was in a very dark place prior to that. We continue with homeopathy and we see more and more improvements along the way. Our life has changed from hiding from the rest of the world and actually enjoying normal activities like having friends without worrying about meltdowns. I still have to pinch myself daily and can't believe how much my daughter has recovered. Paula is one of the most caring individuals I have ever met and at the same time extremely professional and knowledgeable. She has personal experience of special needs and knows exactly the challenges families face - to me this is a must when choosing a therapist of any kind. I have a scientific background and for the life of me I can't understand or explain what we have witnessed with homeopathy. If you have a child with difficulties I would not hesitate in urging you to see Paula - she has saved our family." SC, Parent, Buckinghamshire

"“I first began seeing Paula with my son however as time went on I realized that I had been below par for some time but I had been ignoring symptoms as my sons need seemed greater. Initially Paula treated me for environmental allergies which I had struggled to control for years. After a couple of remedies my allergies are a thing of the past and in general I am feeling much more energetic and in much better health. It is as if a fog has been lifted and my body is just much better able to cope. During this time I was diagnosed by a consultant with Adenomyosis which is a very painful condition of the womb. At particular times the pain was debilitating which is what led me for further investigations. Treatment generally involves invasive surgery as the condition progresses. I mentioned the condition in passing to Paula not thinking there was anything homeopathy could do for this but she recommended a remedy for me and over the course of the next few months my symptoms subsided to the extent that I no longer need any pain medication or have any awareness of the condition on a monthly basis. I am so relieved to have found healing in this way rather than going down the heavily medicated and invasive route. It is truly remarkable.!” CS, Mother, London

"Since starting homeopathic treatment with Paula my son's health has gone from strength too strength. After just a couple of months he no longer suffered with stomach pains or constipation and his overall behaviour improved. We spent a good number of years visiting professionals who we thought might be able to help but they never did. We found Paula just as we were giving up hope of ever making him better and we have never looked back." KL, Yorkshire

"Thank you so much! We finished the 5 doses of remedies a few days ago. E seems to have had a total transformation in personality..... she has just been SO happy! I can't explain it. She is still having sensory meltdowns etc but when she is not in melt down she is just so so happy, almost euphoric!!? She went round the supermarket with me yesterday and was just so excited by everything, singing as she went round. It was like she was experiencing the joys of life for the first time!!!! She waved goodbye to someone for the FIRST TIME EVER!! She didn't melt in fear when people said hello to her in the supermarket she just carried on her merry little way! I just can't believe how happy she is!! It breaks my heart to think this happy little excitable bean has been hiding inside waiting to come out. Thank you, THANK you!!" LW, Parent, London (2 year old little girl)

"Paula Lattimer is looking after my boy. She is excellent. I cannot praise her enough. We have moved from no eye contact to 9/10 eye contact - 10 being perfect. My boy is a normal toddler now. He is more engaged, responds to his name and trying to speak more and more every day. We have done homeopathy for 8 months now. All I can say is I have my boy back thanks to Paula. I definitely recommend her." ND, Parent, Buckinghamshire

"Possibly being the biggest skeptic on earth, I embarked on our journey of homeopathy and I have to say WOW!!! What AMAZING RESULTS. I noticed changes in my boys (twins) in just 2 weeks of commencing therapy. It was like they noticed the world for the first time. It was like they noticed us (their family) for the first time. There was a great improvement in their awareness of their environment as well as other people. They are happier and show a greater interest in activities. After 4 months of therapy, they have made excellent gains including improvements in gross and fine motor skills. They are more confident to walk up and down the stairs unaided and climbing skills have also improved. My boys are calmer, more attentive and there is a definite improvement in language comprehension. They have gone from mouthing and throwing toys to pretend driving cars, pushing a play shopping trolley and helping me tidy up the toys. We still have a long way to go, but I can't wait. For the first time, we are optimistic about their future and homeopathy has given us this hope." TK, Proud Mum to 2 year old identical twin boys (global developmental delay)

"Our son was diagnosed with severe special needs at the age of two and a half. On first approaching Paula his teacher stated that he had one distinguishable word: NO. He would tear down curtains, knock over chairs and throw toys and books out of the room. He would bite and scratch and pinch. Paula has been treating our now six year old son with the homeopathic detox therapy protocol for the last 10 months. He is now a changed boy. Friends are no longer saying 'how tall he's gotten' but instead how well he is doing. The most obvious improvements are his calmness and reduction in aggression towards others as well as his language. He was awarded a "Star of the Year" certificate in School at the end of July for the use of his voice around the school. We still have difficult moments but not the constant battle we used to have. We are delighted with his progress and hope this will continue."
AG, England

"We started homeopathy and Homeopathic Detox Therapy with Paula in December. Our son was 3yrs 3mths old and was in the process of being assessed by a paediatrician. It is hard to pinpoint exactly when our son stopped developing, but he didn't really progress beyond a year old and had a massive regression at two years seven months following three lots of antibiotics. At the point of our initial assessment with Paula, our son had a moderate speech delay, severe attention and listening difficulties, sensory issues, repetitive play, socially poor, suffered with constipation, reduced eye contact, running off, intermittent aggressive behaviour, oppositional, mood swings and frequent ear infections. As his parents we were exhausted and desperate. Exhausted from walking on egg shells to prevent an aggressive outburst occurring and desperate for him to improve. Following a thorough initial assessment with Paula we started homeopathy and over the course of a year we have completed three detoxes. These detoxes have brought with them individually subtle gains but cumulatively a completely different child. We now have a child who is healthier, socially thriving (he has two best friends at nursery), his expressive language is growing by the day, he is no longer aggressive, able to learn in a mainstream environment without a 1:1 and most importantly he is happy and has a great little sense of humour. Our son still has a few issues that hopefully will go as we progress through the next clears but we are so pleased with his progress. He is an absolute star. Paula has been lovely throughout, so professional, always contactable when we had any concerns, down to earth and understanding."
MT, Middlesex, UK

“I would highly recommend Paula Lattimer to any parent considering homeopathy for their child. She has a wide knowledge and understanding of the range of conditions that manifest under the special needs umbrella as well as a dedication to working with families to get the best outcome. Paula was always there for us and helped our son overcome many challenges, including anxiety, unexplainable tantrums, impetigo and poor appetite. Today, two years after we started working with Paula he is healthy, engaged and enjoys his very regular meal-times, as well as making big leaps forward in his language and communication. I have no doubt we would not be where we are today without Paula’s expertise, dedication and sympathetic support." LJ, London (11 year old Son)

“After a course of treatment with Paula I started noticing quite profound changes in my son. Whilst to those on the outside they might appear more subtle, I started noticing more vocal sounds and words, sustained eye contact, new interest in different toys and a happier disposition. After what had seemed like a never ending period of regression, and plenty of stop start type interventions, I’ve really come to understand how effective homeopathy can be. It is very easy to administer the remedies, and Paula is always on hand to support and talk through whatever is on your mind! My son and I have a long way to go in terms of progression, but I feel like was are chipping away at the roadblock, and I am hugely grateful to Paula for that.” CR, London

“Paula is a lovely lady who makes you feel like you have known her your whole life. She is always there when you need her, anytime I text she will answer me with support and guidance. Since our son started homeopathy he is in the best health of his life, never ill, just a much happier healthy boy. Our son has come on so much since starting homeopathy – he is much calmer and is now way ahead of his other friends. Paula is an amazing lady.” KH, Mother of a 5 year old Son

"It's been a pleasure working with Paula, she's so supportive, friendly & understanding. Very professional & always quick to respond to any questions or concerns. I've always felt in very safe hands with Paula & it always feels like I'm talking to a good friend. Although the appointments have been for my son Paula has also been a huge support to me as a parent & helped me view things differently at times when I've been low. We started working with Paula at the end of 2017 when my son R was almost 3 years old. R was not getting hardly any enjoyment out of life his anxiety was extreme & he was scared of so many things including people especially children. He was terrified of many noises & sounds including any toys that made a sound or played music. He was non verbal & would find it very frustrating if we didn't understand what he wanted or needed. His sleep was poor, he was extremely picky with food. He had lots of constipation & tummy pain. Everything had to have very rigid routines. He had lots of sensory issues & would have regular meltdowns. His eye contact was poor. He would feel the need to control everything in his environment constantly including us. As parents we spent our lives walking on eggshells to try to keep him calm & as happy as he could be. Even if calm he would rarely smile or laugh.

We spent just over a year doing classical homeopathy as R's bowels were not regular enough to start detoxing, we saw some definite small gains during this period but the gains didn't always seem to last. Riley also seemed quite sensitive to some of the remedies. I could've felt like giving up at this point, but I actually never considered that as I had faith we were going to get there in the end! Eventually we reached a point where the bowels were regular & we could move onto detoxing. We have completed an IVF detox & a contraceptive pill detox. R's speech has progressed hugely during the detox he is now able to answer simple questions & is coming out with new words every day. His anxiety has reduced greatly in many areas including being around other children - when R started nursery at a special needs school in Sept 2018 he could not even tolerate being in the same room as another child, he is now able to stay in the same room happily with a small group of children & even interact with them!

Another huge gain is that R is no longer scared of music or noisy toys in fact he now loves music, singing, dancing!! He smiles & laughs all the time & is very interactive. It feels like he is happy & enjoying life which is the best gain of all!!! His eye contact is really good most of the time now & he's much more affectionate. Meltdowns are now very occasional rather than a regular thing. R's special needs nursery actually said to me they've never seen such huge progress & change in a child in such a small space of time!

I feel so excited for the future & what the next set of detoxes & remedies may bring! To anyone considering homeopathy with Paula - do not hesitate you will not regret it! Paula has helped my son hugely & also helped us as a family."

CC mum to 4.5 yr old R

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